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A complete range for Organic Snow Powderhounds!

Snowboard / Cross Country / Alpine Skiing / Alpine Touring

We care for the Environment as much as we do for our Riders

NZERO Bike are performance formulas based on vegetables and natural additives. A complete solution for cyclists with the highest levels of sustainability.

100% bio focus, natural additives

Our organic waxes and lubes are made with plant-based, natural ingredients. A perfect blend of biological extracts with no toxic additives. Our main objective: Maximum enjoyment and sustainable outdoor activities.

100% innovation

More than five years of co-operation with international laboratories, using the newest technologies and innovative natural additives. Sustainable, ecological solutions with market leading features.

100% effective

Protect your material and ensure its optimum performance. Provides the maximum effectivity, improving control and complying with the highest requirements, including professional users.