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Legal notice

Legal Notice

This Notice contains the terms of use for the website as outlined below.


Access and Use of this Website

This website, accessed through the domain, as well as other redirected domains, is managed by the company MARTEEN SPORTS WORLD, S.L., hereinafter referred to as "MARTEEN," whose identifying information is provided at the end of this Legal Notice. This website is intended to provide information about the products, services, activities, and sectors in which MARTEEN or companies within its corporate group and/or its collaborators participate. It also allows the acquisition of products electronically and access to websites of other entities via hypertext links.


Using the website makes you a user of it, hereinafter referred to as the "user," and constitutes your free, conscious, and sole responsibility acceptance of all the terms included on this website in the versions published at the time of access. Therefore, users are advised to read these terms, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy, and any other terms that may appear on this website before starting to browse, as they collectively govern its use. If in doubt, you can contact for advice on any of the clauses in this website's notices. If you do not agree with the terms of this website, you should not use or access it.


Users should carefully and thoroughly read the terms of this website each time they intend to access it, as these may be subject to modifications.


The content available is intended for individuals and/or companies interested in the products and services offered by MARTEEN. When quotes are requested, they will be provided through the corresponding forms. Similarly, offers proposed by MARTEEN may be accessible from the website, but this does not imply any contractual relationship. The offer will be issued for informational purposes only, without any obligation on the part of the parties, and will not be considered a pre-contract or a promise of sale, nor will it initiate an electronic contracting procedure.


Personal data collected through this website will be processed as indicated in the Privacy Policy.


Content of the Website SHOP.NZEROWAX.COM

MARTEEN provides this website to the user with the information it contains, understanding that, despite the diligence employed in its preparation, it may contain inaccuracies or errors.


As a result, the user acknowledges and accepts, by simply visiting the website, that the data and information contained may contain errors, inaccuracies, or may not be updated. Therefore, the user should not use such data and information for decision-making purposes that may have economic or other consequences for themselves or third parties without verifying them beforehand according to their own criteria and at their own risk. Without prejudice to the above, in electronic contracting, the applicable contractual conditions must be followed.


The user agrees to use the website in accordance with the law, morality, public order, and generally accepted good practices, refraining from operating on the website for harmful purposes or purposes that could damage the image and rights of MARTEEN, its group companies, and collaborators. Similarly, the user will refrain from performing any act that could damage or impede the normal functioning of the website.


MARTEEN reserves the right, at its discretion, to update, delete, limit, and prevent access to the website content, either temporarily or permanently. It also reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration, and location of the website and its access conditions and requirements, as well as the products or services that can be acquired through it, without guaranteeing the availability or continuity of the website's operation or that of other linked sites.


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The compilation, understood as the collection, arrangement, and assembly of all content on the website, is the exclusive property of MARTEEN.


All content on this website, including but not limited to texts, graphics, logos, button icons, databases, images, text files, audio, video, software, and other elements, as well as industrial property rights such as trademarks and trade names, are owned by MARTEEN, its group companies, collaborators, content and application providers, or their respective licensors.


The aforementioned intellectual and industrial property rights are protected by national and international intellectual property laws.


Reproduction, modification, copying, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication, or any other use of the information contained on this website, including its design, configuration, and display format, without MARTEEN's authorization, constitutes a violation of current intellectual property legislation. Therefore, MARTEEN is entitled to take legal action and claim damages.


Providing information and content on this website does not imply any waiver, transmission, license, or assignment of MARTEEN's rights, either wholly or partially.

If the user wishes to use any of the aforementioned rights or establish a link to this website through any domain that allows access, they must obtain prior, express, and written authorization from MARTEEN.


Accounts, Passwords, and Security

To use certain features or services offered through the website, creating an account and setting up a password may be necessary. The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, username, and password, as well as all activities or accesses performed with them.


MARTEEN assumes that any access using the username and corresponding password is carried out by the user or an authorized person. Therefore, MARTEEN is not responsible for unauthorized access or the consequences, damages, and/or losses caused by such access.


The user must immediately inform MARTEEN if they become aware of any unauthorized use of their account and password or any other security issue. In any case, the user will be responsible for damages and/or losses caused by their lack of caution and safekeeping.


MARTEEN will not be responsible for any losses or damages caused by third parties as a result of the use of the user's password and account.



This website has been created in good faith by MARTEEN with information from legally obtained internal and external sources and is offered as is to users, possibly containing inaccuracies or errors.


If the website contains links allowing users to access other internet websites, MARTEEN is not responsible for the content of those websites.


MARTEEN is not responsible for any damages or losses of any kind that may arise from the information, content, software, materials, or products included on this website or the ones that serve as its basis, nor for the information contained or services provided on third-party websites accessible through hypertext links from this site, which will be governed by their own privacy policies and legal notices. In particular, MARTEEN is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages or losses that may result from service interruption affecting this website.


MARTEEN is not liable for the lack (total or partial) of truthfulness, updating, and/or accuracy of the data or information of any kind, nor for the content, data, or information provided through third-party websites. Likewise, MARTEEN is not responsible for possible errors or security deficiencies that may occur due to the use, by the user, of an outdated or insecure browser, as well as for the activation of devices for the conservation of user keys or identification codes in the browser or for the damages, errors, or inaccuracies that may result from its malfunction.


MARTEEN does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements introduced by third parties, so it will not be responsible for any damages and losses of any kind that may arise from the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in users' systems or files.


In any case, MARTEEN will not be responsible if unauthorized third parties reproduce, modify, copy, use, distribute, commercialize, publicly communicate, or otherwise use the images or audiovisual productions of its clients, as well as their industrial and intellectual property rights that may appear on the web.


The user will be liable for any direct or indirect damages and losses resulting from the non-compliance with the conditions stated on this website.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These conditions are subject to Spanish law. Users expressly accept that Spanish law will govern the relationships arising from access to this website.


To resolve any conflict arising from access to this website, the user and MARTEEN agree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona, expressly waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond to them.



N.I.F.: B-66516428

Roc Boronat, 108


Barcelona - Spain

Tel: 616 828 330


Barcelona Commercial Registry, Volume 44771, Folio 16, Sheet B-466021, Entry 1